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lucid motors electric vehicle

This Company Is The Only Real Long Term Competition To Tesla

industrials investing strategies Sep 21, 2021

Imagine a company having a valuation of $39B but having $0 in revenue? Imagine us being long that same company? Guess what - those are both real facts. So who is the ridiculous company in question? 

It is Lucid Motors.

If you don't know about Lucid Motors, they are an electric vehicle manufacturer just like Tesla. Building and doing research for the last several years, Lucid is finally ready to step into the limelight and begin selling their cars. Their new car, the Lucid Air, is beautiful and has a best in class EPA rated range of 520 miles. For the first time, there seems to be an actual electric only "competitor" to Tesla. Let's get into why we like them, what we think about the car and where we think their stock price will go. But beware, this pick is likely to go down before it goes back up. This was one of the harder calls we've ever had to make, and the details here are very important 👇